NAMBA Propwash Web October

Presidents Message (Continued from page 1) We have districts that have shown growth and some that are down just a couple of members, but District 13 deserves a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS as they have grown their membership by 29% this year. Excellent job Rey Medina and your District 13 members! One of our goals this year was to bring together our District Directors monthly to share ideas and strategies that work across the country. Eric Canto our District 3 Director organizes and moderates our monthly Zoom meetings. These meetings have allowed us to become familiar with each other as well as learn innovative ideas, discuss rules, and rule changes. We appreciate your District Directors involvement and look forward to seeing more of them and their Assistant District Directors in our future meetings. With a few months left in 2022 we have a few projects that we hope to have completed and in place for 2023. Mike Mullarkey our District 20 Director and Karl Loveless our NAMBA VP have been working with David Santistevan our IT Chairman to create a Facebook marketing campaign that is working extremely well for them and compliments our NAMBA “Arrive and Drive” program. As impactful as social media is today, we felt it was necessary to look at updating our NAMBA logo. As we move forward, we will also provide our districts with their own version of our new logo to help standardize our brand. I have always felt it would be great to be able to offer our members NAMBA apparel and with this new look this may come to fruition in 2023. We are also working on updating and passing new rules that will help us continue to grow our organization, streamline some processes, and hopefully make it better for us all. I want to thank our IT Chairman David Santistevan for all his time and energy he has spent creating our new race management system and I am happy to say the testing has gone very well. We hope to have it available for all NAMBA districts and clubs to utilize in 2023. I have watched the progression of this management system from day one and being involved with this from the beginning I can tell you, it is going to be a game changer for us all! As we get closer to the end of 2022, I feel it was a great year for NAMBA, and with your help and support I know next year will be even better. Let’s do our best to get involved, help your local club, your fellow members, communicate, and support your District Director and most importantly be a positive member. You will be surprised how much we can grow together. Please remember NAMBA is our members working with and for each other. PROPWASH 2 October 2022 News From District 3 By Eric Canto NAMBA District 3 Director Hello from D3! It seems as though this year is just flying by! We are gearing up for the last four D3 races of 2022. The Broward Model Boat Club will host the D3 points race September 17th -18th. The Brandon model boaters will host the October race on the 15th thru the 16th. The Space Coast Rudder Busters will host the November race on the 12th through the 13th and the Racing Association of Miami will host the year end double points race December 10th thru the 11th. Points are tight in many classes and I am sure the racing will be tight at these great events. Ken Haines recently contacted a land owner about using a pond for RC boating activities and he received a very encourag- ing response. We will continue to pursue this great opportunity to secure a new race/club site. Great job Ken! The RC boat pond at the Del Ray Beach Park had not been used or kept up since before Covid. The facility had become an eyesore to the park and we were afraid we may lose that facility. A determined group of volunteers from D3 spent a day cleaning it up and it looks much better! The park director is very cooperative and is on board with the club staying in the park. On the topic of new clubs and facilities, Jeremy Hines continues to work hard to get the ball rolling with his new club and we all appreciate his efforts! D3 member Brian Scarborough has been building some great R/C retrieval boats! He has put together a parts list, build photos and basic instructions. If you would like to build your own, this information will be listed on the NAMBA Facebook page. Go fast, turn right, have fun! In Memory of … By Rey Garcia The RC Sharks Racing Team of District 19 Editors Note: The following article is a posting from The RC Sharks Facebook page . After a great weekend of boating and exciting racing, there was sad news to report....The RC SHARKS were informed that one of our good friends and former teammates passed away. It is with heavy hearts and genuine sadness that we report District 19 boater Mr. Ken Freick passed away shortly after the Lake Havasu Race. Ken was a So Cal Racer for many years and a member of the Sharks in the late 80's and 90's before he retired and moved to the Lake Havasu area. More recently, Ken was participating in model boating with the Lake Havasu boaters and had a few projects he was working with. Ken always loved his Riggers and Sport Hydros and I will always remember how excited he used to get racing his C and X